Message from the President
Dear Prospective Sponsor,
I invite you to invest in a sponsorship package with the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors – Arkansas. For over 80 years, the NAIFA-Arkansas Chapter has provided quality training, social, and advocacy events to our members. Our board works tirelessly to bring top notch speakers locally to our events. Our events provide our members and sponsors with an opportunity to network and to learn about hot topics within the industry.
Just like many other companies, we had to pivot to continue to be able to provide quality events for our members during these tough times. We developed virtual opportunities for education and networking.
We continue to revamp our sponsorship package to include additional opportunities so that our sponsors have customizable options to better fit their needs. Listed below are all the opportunities to make the most of your sponsorship dollars. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Thank you,
D. Allan Hudson
NAIFA-Arkansas 2022 President