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Insurance Professional of the Year Award

Insurance Professional of the Year Criteria:

The NAIFA-Arkansas Insurance Professional of the Year Award will be presented annually at the Fall Conference to the person judged to have made the most significant contributions to the life and financial services and health insurance industry in Arkansas. This is the highest honor bestowed upon an individual within our state association and is intended to represent recognition for a lifetime body of work. The recipient must be a current member of NAIFA.

Determination of the award winner will be made by a committee appointed by the President composed of previous winners of the award. A distinctive plaque will be presented.

The following criteria will be considered, with weight given to each area according to the percentage listed:

  1. Local Association Activities 20%

  2. State Association Activities 40%

  3. National Association (NAIFA) and Allied Organization (GAMA, AALU, WLUC, MDRT, ASCLU, etc. Activities 20%

  4. Community Service Activities 10%

  5. Special Achievement Reflecting Favorably on the Industry 10%

Activities during membership in NAIFA-Arkansas will be considered in the judging.

If you submitted a nomination previously and the nominee wasn’t chosen, you will need to re-submit the nominee again. It is the responsibility of the local chapter/and or affiliate to make the nomination to ensure the paperwork is correct and up-to-date.

The current state President and President-Elect of NAIFA-AR are ineligible for the award while serving in office, and previous winners are also ineligible. The identity of the recipient will remain a secret until the time of the awards ceremony unless earlier notification is required to assure attendance by the recipient.